August 5
37 pints and one 3/4 pint of applesauce from the cinnamon something apple tree--the biggest in the middle 40. These apples ripen early and go soft very fast so I had to bottle on an over 100F day. But we will enjoy them come winter.
Aug 11
31 pints of applesauce from other trees in the yard. One was made of mostly the apples with a rough tan skin. These apples are dense and dry and not all that flavorful when cooked. The jars are marked with a code +s &c ? meaning that sugar and cinnamon can be added to make it more flavorful. The other jars were made from a mix of various apples in the yard and a few old eating apples from last winter. It's a bit better but I think the most flavorful applesauce comes from the largest tree in the middle of the middle 40.
In September I have canned:
6-7 pints grape juice both pure purple grape and a blend of purple and white arbor grapes
10- 12 half pints grape jelly same as above. I did one recipe of the Ball Jar company grape jelly recipe and then found that I prefer the recipe for jelly that is in the ATK canning book, for both pure grape and blended
salsa is an ongoing effort. Over 60 pints with last batch done end of October. If I had time I could do another batch in November but..............
5 half pints Chocolate Pear Jam
7 half pints Pear Jelly
10 half pints Strawberry Plum Jam which is now my favorite treatment for plum jam although I've only tried it with Italian plums which are sweeter than our sour plums.
I steamed juiced a pan full of pear quarters for the juice I used in jelly and in pear butter. I'm at this moment steaming another pan full and will freeze the left over pear pieces for smoothies
The pear butter from ATK is best because it uses no added sugar.
Another batch of pear butter (ATK) and a small batch of pear plum jam--Marisa McClellan recipe
Made freezer chocolate pear jam and sauce from a canned recipe but I used only 1 pd of sugar so I couldn't can it. For the syrup, I removed some of the pear mixture before it got to the jammy point so it's thinner.
Refrigerator pear caramel. Made more than 2 pints of that. That's a WaPo recipe.
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